Atlantic IXPs

What is an IXP?

Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) are facilities around the world which allow local carriers and large customers to interconnect with each other.

Here are two short videos explaining the concept:


Atlantic IXPs is a federally incorporated not-for-profit company whose mandate is to provide a meet-me point for multiple Internet networks and Internet service providers. Networks are able to directly connect with one another to exchange local Internet traffic. AIXP will operate four exchanges in Atlantic Canada:


The Halifax Internet Exchange operates the ethernet switching platform, route reflectors, and other services used to interconnect member networks and provide content delivery.

Join us at our location in the EXA (formerly GTT/Hibernia Networks) co-lo facility at 7071 Bayer’s Road, Halifax.


AIXP is also responsible for the Moncton IXP formerly operated by CIRA and serving all of New Brunswick. Peers are welcome at Fibre Centre, 770 St George Blvd, Moncton NB.


PEIX is accepting connections at the Atlantic Technology Centre, 176 Great George St, Charlottetown, PE.